As a therapist, it is a privilege to be present with a client as they share their heart and life’s story. Each person I sit with has a unique history of creativity and endurance. I approach life from a Christian worldview and believe God created us with a longing for connection and a desire to be known. We remain in that posture all our lives, and depending on our interpersonal relationships, we can either experience the affirmation of connection or the pain of brokenness.
Along with spiritual development, I offer a whole person approach in counseling as I work with individuals and couples. To achieve a whole person approach, I incorporate interpersonal psychotherapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Attachment-Focused EMDR, Somatic-Ego State and trauma resolution/integrative healing. With a specialization in sex therapy, I welcome working with couples struggling with various marital issues including intimacy issues, sexual brokenness, dysfunctions, and addictions. I also welcome individuals desiring growth, awareness, healing, and those suffering from PTSD and traumas. Out of my own story of brokenness and restoration, I invite my clients to be courageous as they journey toward compassion, connection, joy, and a restored heart.